Findit is a game where you are presented with a large picture and a small picture. You try to find the small picture from the larger one, and repeat forever.
A mobile version can be downloaded here.
I originally made this game with JavaScript (that version available here) to train my pattern matching skills, to have an excuse to play with random generators, and because I figured this would be an improved version of the good-old "find the difference" type of game, as you don't have to cross your eyes or swap rapidly back and forth because the small picture is quick to memorize.
The mobile version currently has 13 levels, using different pseudorandom generators. Here's rough descriptions of some of the prngs used; there are several parameters I have adjusted to my liking and do not explain in detail.
- classic: Bernoulli distribution with low \(p\) and large pixel size.
- squiggles: Finitely many ranges of self-avoiding random walks (sampled naively).
- gol: Do n iterations of Game of Life from uniform Bernoulli distribution (plus some deterministic coloring and smoothing at the end).
- static: Uniform Bernoulli with small pixel size -- true white noise.
- big circles: Add circles of all sizes with large boundaries as long as it's easy to find space for them.
- small circles: Pick a random Delone set of positions (naively). Draw disjoint circles of the same sizes.
- grid-ish: "Drunken grid" or "integrals of random walks around generators of \( \mathbb{Z}^2 \)". A random walk \(p\) is performed around \((1, 0)\) and a path with velocity \(p\) is drawn from left to right. This is repeated n times for each four basic symmetric generators.
- hairy: Recursively generated trees + several hours of picking parameters. (There is a three-level L-system structure, but it is not so easy to spot.)
- fellas: Randomly generated stick figures, caveman style.
- smiles: Randomly generated smiley faces.
- perlin: Two-layer Perlin noise -driven hue with high saturation and value. I'm using Unity's own Perlin noise.
- blue graph: A random embedding of a graph, smoothed.
- dancing pills: Ellipsoids of different colors, randomly twitching around.
I'm happy to receive comments and criticism about the game at vosalo(at)
Latest update July 28th, 2017.